The Most Popular Films About Gambling of All Time

The Most Popular Films About Gambling of All Time
Source: Pixabay

We live in a world where a huge chunk of the global population has gambled at least once, and we also have a pretty high number of people who gamble regularly. People are really divided when it comes to this topic and it seems that every year we get new gambling restrictions. In movies however, gambling and casino places are featured quite frequently, and we also have films that are exclusively centered on these topics.

This is because gambling habits are compatible with so many movie genres. They are a great driving force for drama, they can create tension, or make characters get involved in criminal activity. Here we will talk about some of the most popular films about gambling, and discuss what makes them so great.

Casino Games in Real Life

First, let’s point out some of the main differences between casino games in the movies and in real life. In movies, gambling is usually done in a casino where people play for real money, but in real life, most of that activity happens online. Also, in movies, the characters who play are typically middle-aged men, whereas here we have a lot of college students who play slots, place bets, or put down chips for blackjack or poker. A lot of research goes into where to play and users search for the highest payout percentage at online casinos, before they decide what and where to play. Thanks to the various bonuses and promotions the stacks are almost never as high as they are in Hollywood films.

Owning Mahowny

If you want to watch a gambling film that is as close to real life as it can get, then you can’t go wrong with Owning Mahowny. This is actually based on a true story, and it shows just how dangerous gambling addiction can be if you let it get out of hand. It is about the banker who is making incredibly risky bets, and to make matters worse he is using the money he stole from the bank. It’s very tense and painful, especially for most of the regular people who wouldn’t even think of doing something that dangerous and irresponsible.

Bear in mind that only a small percentage of gamblers are addicts, and the system really does its best to create an environment where they won’t be targeted by casinos. Most of the people who are playing casino games are doing it for fun, and to test their luck every now and then.


Given how casinos have been tied to criminal activity and money laundering, multiple times in the past, this movie just feels so real. It is about a gangster, played by Robert De Niro, who is running a casino in Vegas. To make things interesting, he is trying to do this the right way, but given the dynamics of the mob, it is never a one-man show. The lust for wealth and the power struggle between the characters is what makes this an incredible drama. It’s not so much about gambling as it is about how businesses and enterprises work in the US, and that’s what makes this movie a timeless masterpiece.

The Most Popular Films About Gambling of All Time
Source: Pixabay


This is another film based on a true story, and it is about a team of MIT students who managed to constantly beat casinos at blackjack. It starts as a story about math and business but then pivots to a heist movie, which some find disappointing. However, it has a cast of talented young actors, and we finally get to see college students who love to gamble, much like in real life. Moreover, the movie is about a legitimate blackjack strategy that anyone can use today. Of course, only a small percentage of people are capable of performing those complex calculations, and casinos have the right to refuse to allow you to play.


These were some of our top picks for gambling movies, mainly because we feel these stories accurately represent this form of entertainment. We are yet to see any modern stories that talk about online casinos, or at least people who are running them. It would be good to portray just how massive this industry is, and explore it from the perspective of the game developer. Lots of people who want to get into the gaming industry start as casino game developers, and that can be quite stressful and mind-numbing. Luckily, if we are exposed to these realities through movies, we can gain a better understanding of the world around us.


Jeremy Raynolds is a talented content writer who specializes in essay writing on a wide array of topics. He is closely following all of the latest news related to tech and gaming, and he loves watching League of Legends eSports events. Jeremy enjoys watching movies and TV series, and he especially likes thrillers, drama, and good action movies.

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