Expand Your Horizons: Four Films About Gambling

There is hardly a person who will stay off a bucket of popcorn and Pepsi while watching a good film! Bet you’re one of those as well. Today, films not only can be a source of entertainment, but they can teach us things as well. When you want to research a new field or get more knowledge about your interests, you can always watch a film about that topic — and have fun while doing it

Have you ever wanted to dive into gambling? Have you ever visited Zodiac Casino and thought that it would be a great idea to test your luck? If yes, this article will help you find a film to research that question. Have a look at the top films that will show you the ins and outs of casinos.

1. The Newbie in Gambling: “Croupier” (1998)
Jack Manfred (Clive Owen), an aspiring writer who lives in London, fills a vacancy as a croupier to make ends meet. Jack decides to resort to a black deal with other gamblers, but the issue becomes severe and the effect spreads to his private life and the career. This film shows the reality that is far from the life of glamour of Las Vegas gamblers as depicted in Hollywood films.

2. Pokies and Family: “Rain Man” (1988)
Charlie Babbitt (Tom Cruise), an opportunistic businessman, finds out that his estranged father has died, leaving him only a car and a couple of rose bushes; the rest of his fortune goes to Charlie’s autistic, savant brother, Raymond (Dustin Hoffman). Charlie tracks down his brother and decides to use his brother’s mathematical abilities to hit the jackpot in Vegas. The film examines the life of a person who used to take some pleasure at the casinos, but now has found that, for him, it’s the only way to survive and to make ends meet. Moreover, some relationship issues are also disclosed that show how harmful a gambling addiction can be — when the question of money raises, a family becomes a secondary item that is only needed to meet personal needs.

3. The Gambling Addiction: “The Gambler” (1974)
Axel (James Caan), a talented English professor and a famous author, has a secret life: beneath the model man hides a person addicted to gambling, pokies and other games of luck. Having stolen $44,000 from his mother, borrowed from his girl friend, and dangerous loan sharks, he heads off to Vegas in order to chase the game. This film shows how severe the consequences can be for those who can’t hold back their gambling urges and abandon reason. This film would be interesting for everyone as we see a person’s evolution and the way he finds the needed power to solve his problem.

4. Gambling as the Last Hope: “21” (2008)
The central character of the film is Ben Campbell (Jim Sturgess), an ordinary guy who wants to get a degree but has no money to pay for university. One day he meets Micky Rosa (Kevin Spacey) – a professor – who discerns Ben’s strong sides and mental abilities and suggests that he join his party of gamblers — MIT students — to earn money. Soon, Ben earns hundreds of thousands of dollars, but he gets hooked and finds it hard to take a break! This film helps us differentiate true need from addition — as well as pointing a way to solve such an issue.

Now, you have a list of films that will help you get to know the pros and cons of casinos, how they work, as well as how one can benefit from such entertainment.

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