Illicit Love Thriller ‘It’s Not Over’ Arrives for Digital Sales, VOD June 25

Illicit Love Thriller 'It's Not Over' Arrives for Digital Sales, VOD June 25

Illicit Love Thriller 'It's Not Over' Arrives for Digital Sales, VOD June 25

Genre: Thriller

Rating: Rated R for violence, some language and sexual references.

U.S. Release Dates: On Demand and Digital June 25, 2024

Running Time: 91 minutes 

Cast: Gianni Capaldi, Weronika Rosati, Ian Reddington, Christopher Lambert

Directed by: Alessandro Riccardi

Written by: Alessandro Riccardi

Produced by: Paul Aniello, Marzia Dal Fabbro, Alessandro Riccardi, Gianluca Varriale

Synopsis: In the middle of a torrid love affair, the lives of Sarah and Max are thrown upside down after Sarah’s abusive husband dies in a freak domestic accident. Now, able to share their love in the light of day, the happy new couple appears to have everything they have ever desired… until Max notices something different and disturbing about Sarah. As he digs deeper into her strange behavior, he uncovers a dark secret beyond comprehension. Christopher Lambert stars in a spine-chilling thriller that will keep you guessing until the very last minute.


Year of Production: 2022

Title Copyright: © 2021 VARGO srl, Sound Art 23 srl e Streamdigital Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.

Type: Home Entertainment

Format: 16×9 (2.39:1) Presentation

Audio: English 5.1 and 2.0 Dolby Audio

Rating: R for violence, some language and sexual references.

Closed-Captioned: Yes

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