Quirky ‘My Apocalyptic Thanksgiving’ Streams on Nov. 22
Quirky Special-Needs Themed Campy Horror Drama Sets Digital Debut for North American VOD Platforms on November 22, 2022
MY APOCALYPTIC THANKSGIVING will be available to rent and own on global digital HD internet and satellite platforms on November 22, 2022, through Freestyle Digital Media.MY APOCALYPTIC THANKSGIVING tells the story of a zombie-obsessed, special needs adult who searches for his absent mom while a Korean family and gang compete to be his family. But he teaches everyone forgiveness with the help of his favorite zombie television show.Directed by filmmaker Charles B. Unger, MY APOCALYPTIC THANKSGIVING was written by Richard Soriano, and produced by Holly Soriano, Richard Soriano, and Charles B. Unger. The ensemble cast includes Joshua Warren Bush (‘Marcus’), Ray Chang (‘Jung’), Chris Wu (‘Kim’), Grace Shen (‘Me Young’), Walker Haynes (‘Frank’), Ciera Foster (‘Nicole’), Byron Vazquez, Jr. (‘Alfredo’), Paul Tully (‘Luis’), Callie Gilbert (‘Andrea’), and Lisa K. Crosato (‘Ma’).“This film is a love letter to the special needs adults that have become my family as well as the caregivers and their families and the adults without loved ones in their lives,” said writer/producer Richard Soriano. “We had a blast watching the WALKING DEAD together, dressing up for Halloween, and celebrating Thanksgiving together. Yes, Jesus was a zombie.”“We dedicate this movie to the special needs adults, who have enriched our lives. This also includes their families and the caregivers who serve them, said producer Holly Soriano. “Our hope is to show a more realistic view of balancing their rights and humanize them, as we are all lovable in God’s eyes regardless if we are different or similar.”