‘#Like’ Stalks VOD Jan. 26

#LIKE will be available on TVOD January 26, 2021 on iTunes,
Amazon Prime, Vudu, FandangoNow, and Microsoft Store
Woodstock teen Rosie (Sarah Rich) is mourning the first anniversary of her younger sister Amelia’s death, when she discovers that the mysterious man (Marc Menchaca, ALONE, “The Outsider”) who sexploited and bullied her sister into committing suicide, is back online trolling for new victims. After the authorities refuse to get involved, Rosie discovers a darker side she never knew she had as she takes justice into her own hands.
Running Time: 95 min
Country: USA
Language: English

“Challenges the viewer to question whether, for all her target’s status as a pedophile and cyberbully, Rosie is doing the right thing, or even whether Rosie has the right man.”
Anton Bitel, Little White Lies
“Pirozek knows exactly what she is doing… this film will likely attract loud and
widespread cries of #NotAllMen.”
Jane Fae, Eye For Film
“A feminist horror masterpiece… unfolds twist after very unpredictable twist.”
Lorry Kikta, Film Threat

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