
Top Tips For Massive Instagram Growth

Brands, influencers, and public personalities all have at least one thing in common: They all want to grow on Instagram. And it makes sense. Instagram is, after all, more than just your typical app. It is a full-blown social media marketplace.

Let’s go through some of the best tips and tricks for massive Instagram growth:

Use the right hashtags:

You can post interesting, engaging content but without the right hashtags, it won’t get the exposure. Your photos and videos on Instagram can reach their full potential if you start hashtagging them.

This makes it easier for people to search and automatically find relevant content. Plus, your content will show up under the hashtag, making you more prominent.

You should always aim to use the most popular hashtags if you want to be discovered.

Like Content In Your Niche

One sure-fire tip is to start looking through other profiles in your niche and liking their content. It also helps to leave a nice comment and follow other people too. This is a good way to build and expand your community.

However, be careful not to spam others. You should try to authentically connect and engage with other accounts — this helps a lot in getting noticed and increasing your followers.

Create a Theme for Your Feed

You will greatly benefit from sticking to an aesthetic theme for your content. This makes your feed look attractive and instantly fall in love with appealing visuals.

Focus on creating bright, pretty content, and keep a visual strategy in mind. You can use pre-set filters on all your photos for a coherent look.

A bland and random-looking feed simply does not get the attention that a beautiful, organized one does.

Use Instagram Stories

Instagram stories are getting increasingly popular and now have more than 400 million users daily. Rather than scrolling their feed, many people like to watch stories on Instagram. You should stay active on stories, as it is a more interactive way of connecting with followers.

Also, look for creative and fun ways to make stories. You can even share snippets of your life with your followers as it makes them even more interested.

Stories also contain a number of polls, Q/A stickers, and interesting games that will help people to know you better. Instagram users who are super active on Stories always get an increase in followers.

Use Geotags

Always use geotags in your posts and stories as they help you in being discovered locally. By tagging your location, city, or venue, you will appear in that specific locations’ feed too. This makes you more visible to more people whenever you post something.

You can get a lot of value out of your Instagram content if you use these tools. Plus, people who are also in the same vicinity are more likely to interact and engage with you.

Post Regularly

Consistency is key when it comes to increasing your followers on Instagram. People want to follow accounts that are active. If you go inactive and stop posting for days, people simply get disinterested and some might even unfollow you. Posting frequently keeps the interest of your audience and helps expand your base.

You should also remember that the Instagram algorithm is designed in a way that accounts that are most active and ones that people engage with the most appear on the top of feeds.

You should make a posting schedule beforehand and always post every day. One post a day is the minimum that you should aim for. You should also take a look at Instagram Insights and check out the peak active times of your followers. Use this information and always post on those timings as this will make your content more visible.


Running a giveaway is also another tactic to drive more growth and traffic to your account A giveaway is like a small contest, similar to a lucky-draw in which there’s a prize or gift for the winner.

Different Instagram users can participate by simply following the rules. In return, you can set rules to boost your engagement and follower count. For instance, to make themselves eligible, participants would have to comment, tag other friends, or be following you.

In this way, they get a chance to win the giveaway, while you get more traffic.

Sponsored Posts

Using Instagrams’ Sponsored Posts, you can promote your organic content by paying an amount for it.  This is an effective way to reach a wider audience because your sponsored post now appears on your target audiences’ feeds. You can think of it as an advertisement for your content.

You can pick the post you want to sponsor, set your target audience, and its specific demographics, and finally, the level of reach you are looking for. According to this, you will pay a corresponding amount, and once Instagram approves the post, it will go up. The result is an instant growth in followers.

Collaborate with influencers and brands

You can take your Instagram success to a different level once you start collaborating with other Instagram accounts and brands. You can reach out to them and work on content together that benefits both of you. You can create content for a brand that will be of value to them. They will post it on their page and tag you, while you do the vice-versa.

This gives your profile direct exposure to their followers and will result in massive growth, especially if you collaborate with accounts having a large audience.

You can achieve massive Instagram growth if you consistently follow these tips. Sponsored, and paid ads can help in maximizing the success of your account. However, the best way to fully boost your Instagram career is by creating quality content and using all the available features to achieve organic growth.

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