Please join Marilyn Ann Moss this Thursday evening (May 18) at 7 p.m. at the one-and-only Larry Edmunds Bookshop, where she’ll be discussing one of Hollywood’s greatest missing links and mystery men, director John Farrow! He’s a huge missing link in Hollywood film history, the missing link in daughter, Mia Farrow’s, accusations against Woody Allen – and one of our great and under appreciated directors of noir, action-adventure and psychological drama. The Farrow family is one clan to remember! Come find out why!
“An immersing and compelling read about a renowned Hollywood family.”
—Library Journal
“Film scholar Marilyn Ann Moss embraces the messiness of real life in an astonishingly good new book, The Farrows of Hollywood. Released by vigilante independent publisher Skyhorse, which picks up books institutions want canceled but readers want released, this volume delves into the sad, strange history of the Farrow family. It serves as a useful reminder that nearly everyone has closets with skeletons. . . . After reading this rigorously researched, perceptively written book, however, we know one other thing for sure: in the Woody-Mia contretemps, only a fool would try to find the moral high ground. ‘What a mess’ is a more sensible reaction than any firm feeling about the parties’ innocence or guilt, let alone virtue or sinfulness.”
—Washington Examiner
About the Author
Marilyn Ann Moss, who grew up in Los Angeles, is the author of Raoul Walsh: The True Adventures of Hollywood’s Legendary Director ((2011), Giant: George Stevens, a Life on Film (2004), and is editor of the forthcoming collection, Raoul Walsh: Interviews for the University Press of Mississippi’s long- running director series. Moss writes book reviews for the Times Literary Supplement and is a former film and television critic for the Hollywood Reporter and Boxoffice Magazine. She holds a PhD in American literature, film studies, and autobiography theory. She co-curated retrospectives of Raoul Walsh’s films at the American Cinematheque in Hollywood, and has spoken at film retrospectives at UCLA, the Turner Classic Movies Film Festival, and at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. In 2021, the Criterion Collection released her 2019, feature-length documentary, The True Adventures of Raoul Walsh, on Blu-ray.