
Space Doc ‘It’s Quieter in the Twilight’ Voyages to VOD May 19

Space Doc 'It’s Quieter in the Twilight' Voyages to VOD May 19

Space Doc 'It’s Quieter in the Twilight' Voyages to VOD May 19


In an unremarkable office space, a select group of aging engineers sacrificed promotion, postponed retirement, and dedicated their lives to stay with the longest running and farthest reaching mission in NASA’s history. Fighting outdated technology and time, Voyager’s flight-team pursues humankind’s greatest exploration.

Directed by Billy Miossi
Produced by Matt Reynolds and Alissa Shapiro


It’s Quieter in the Twilight takes us along on this journey, focused on a few of the dozen engineers still working on the Voyager project. In its prime, there were over a thousand scientists and engineers involved. But these dozen people are the lifers, on the journey with Voyager 1 and 2 until there’s no more signal left to receive…We viewers suddenly find ourselves actively rooting for this beautiful, dumb, and amazing little hunk of metal that is so very far away.”
– Seth Freilich, Pajiba“A story of commitment, of people who have dedicated themselves to what seems like a thankless task. Miossi wisely avoids hammering home obvious connections about the age of human and machine, instead making this about how they care…this is about people who have found a reason to get up every day. We should all be so lucky.”
– Richard Whittaker, Austin Chronicle

They watch the bright lights from a distance today. The headlines now go to big names with bigger bank accounts. But, they are comfortable in the quiet, it suits them. Yet this quirky team of brilliant engineers- like the Voyager spacecraft they pilot-  are pushing the notion of true discovery, traveling among stars propelled only by dwindling sunlight. While the world has moved on to fancier ships and splashier front men–the celestial journey of the aging spacecraft transcends earthly boundaries– from rural South Korea, the Jim Crow South and the U.S./Mexico border to cement a joint commitment to the mission which has traveled the furthest in human history as the clock winds down.


“There’s a unique dichotomy that drew me into the story of the aging Voyager mission. The grandest feat of human exploration being steered by a humble few sitting in a drab office space. They seek no fame, no recognition. Instead, they’re content to quietly contribute a novel expertise for the sake of a deeper understanding of the vastness that exists beyond our world. Voyager is a once in a lifetime, and perhaps many lifetimes, mission. And so much of what it has achieved over the past several decades is owed to a tiny team of engineers who have forgone promotions and, now, retirement. To understand them, their devotion, is what lies at the heart of It’s Quieter in the Twilight. I wanted the world to know these unsung explorers and to know the essential role they’ve played in humanity’s most ambitious adventure.”
– Billy Miossi, Director, It’s Quieter in the Twilight

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