'Devil's Men' Goes to War on Digital, VOD this week

‘Devil’s Men’ Goes to War on Digital, VOD Sept. 17

'Devil's Men' Goes to War on Digital, VOD Sept. 17 Directed by:

Dave Bresnahan
Starring: Casey Elliott, Caleb Hafen, Dustin Harding, Gabe Spencer, Emma Andreasen Moore
Written by Dave Bresnahan
Rating: NR
Running time: 91 minutes
Genre: Action
Country: US
Studio: Indican Pictures
Website: https://www.indicanpictures.com/new-releases/devils-men

The horrors of war through the eyes of a real WWII soldier who helped form our special forces. Sam Byrne was a Wyoming ranch boy drafted ino doing his duty, even though he was a deeply religious man who didn’t believe in killing. Unwilling to kill, he quickly learns how to adapt, eventually saving many of his platoon in the Battle of Anzio and showing the heart of a hero.

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